- June 18, 2021
- 647-696-1427
We're Qode Media.
We are your digital marketing, SEO, and Web Design specialists.
We are internet-presence strategists with a passion for people, technology, and ideas. Founded in 2011, we are a fully Google Panda, Hummingbird, and Penguin-compliant Search Engine (SEO) and Social Media Optimization service provider. Our Toronto office is located right at Yonge and Sheppard, in walking distance of the subway and a plethora of great lunch spots. Did we mention there’s a park nearby where you can play ping-pong? Our team is pretty crazy about ping-pong.
The Internet is always changing and adapting, The Internet is always changing and adapting, and so are we. We are constantly reinventing ourselves and finding better ways of performing tasks. We are dedicated to operating at absolutely the lowest possible cost, passing the savings to our customers. Efficiency is key.
So, how can we help your business? We generate more business for you by increasing your Internet traffic and converting that traffic into sales. It’s that simple.
We Specialize In all forms of online marketing (Low Cost SEO, Social Media, Display Ads, Email Marketing, Data Analysis) with sophisticated delivery and analytics tools to deliver the best results, quickly.
Effective online marketing doesn’t just measure marketing performance, but the ability to adapt in order to improve performance. Qode Media has developed a methodology with proven results and measurable performance metrics, and we are going to continue learning and relearning better SEO practices.
Our Toronto office gives us the right edge to deliver high-quality services, and grow immeasurably as a company. We have worked with a wide variety of clients, each of which come from different industries and backgrounds. Having an office as a Toronto SEO company is not just an asset, it’s an integral aspect of what sets us apart from our competitors. We would love to meet with you and discuss your business.